Blink And She's Gone...

To quote Matthew Sweet... "Nothing lasts". It's quite true on many levels. I'm finding out more and more about this as I get older. Our lives are constantly changing within us and around us. So, when you hear some wise ass pipe up and say, "you can't go home again"... believe it. And to quote Elvis Costello... "Home is anywhere you hang your head". No matter where you may find yourself spending the night... it's always gonna be with yourself, so you better at least enjoy your own company. As for me... there are moments where I find it hard to live with myself. Other times, I feel like I'm the safest bet I have. It all manages to balance out from time to time. But for now, I'm left watching re-runs of what just happened to me. So, after a Hi-Fives posting hiatus... I welcome you to the top five songs that remind me of "her". Enjoy.
Jewel "Race Car Driver" (from Save The Linoleum, 1995) - We made a fun and very memorable trip to San Diego to see Jewel play at Humphrey's. Prior to that, I was amazed to discover that she knew this obscure and humorous mesh of love and cars.
Robert Plant & the Strange Sensation "All The King's Horses" (from Mighty Rearranger, 2005) - I got this CD the very week I knew I was falling in love. That aside, I still think this is the greatest song about believeing once again in the existance of perfection.
Steve Poltz "Stax" (from Chinese Vacation, 2003) - She was already a huge fan of Poltzy. I had only known that he wrote a song or two for Jewel. I fell in love with this song on the first listen. An excellent sequel to Costello's "So Like Candy". "You can keep most of the records... leave the Motown and the Stax".
Bruce Springsteen "Long Time Comin'" (from Devils & Dust, 2005) - Bruce sings, "I ain't gonna fuck it up this time." I remember promising this to myself as I first heard it... knowing that I was experiencing something truly special. I'm sorry.
U2 "Running To Stand Still" (from the Joshua Tree, 1987) - Actually, anything off of this album would do. It came out the year I graduated from high school. The same high school she graduated from a year later. We both rediscovered this album at the same time around the time we found each other. It was an odd, but right connection. As a result, this record means something different to me now. The opening line may sum things up, in the end.
I recall giving some advice recently to a friend of mine who was having some fatal relationship issues at the time. I told him that the opportunity for a fresh start and greatness can exist out there, and that I had found it after tearing down all my own walls of defense. Well, the question remains. Can I take my own medicine? Of course I can. That advice came from a clean heart and a clear mind. And with that... someone new will ultimately push five different songs to the top of the playlist. I can't wait to find out what they are... and why.
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