(Just Like) Starting Over

As the scenery in my life changes over time... so does my zip code. Yes, it's that time again. Moving out of tha LBC and into the OC. It's funny, I've always been the one called when it was time to help a friend move because I've always had a truck. So, who do I call? ME! This'll be fun. I can't wait to get the place set up, though. If anyone wants to help, I'll buy the beer!
Here's five songs to put "us" in the mood:
Mary Margaret O'Hara "Rain" from Apartment Hunting (2002)
Not so much a song about moving, but rather a song from a soundtrack to a movie about moving. Still with me? This tune gets me every time. Some beautifully `verbed guitar work and Mary's trademark vocal delivery seal the deal. Her music is an acquired taste... and thankfully, I've acquired it! Ask me to include her stuff on a mix CD if you're curious.
Billy Joel "Movin' Out (Anthony's Song)" from The Stranger (1977)
A song of hope if ever there was one... expecially if your name is Anthony. Well, regardless, I'm movin' out just about as quickly as Billy Joel can wrap a car around a tree, but hopefully not as often.
Elvis Costello "Home Is Anywhere You Hang Your Head" from Blood & Chocolate (1986)
It's true. I've been happy living in a house, a townhome, a studio in the ghetto... I can be happy anywhere. Now that I think about it, Mr. Costello's music has roomed with me at every abode. Where's your half of the rent, "Elvis"?
Ja'net DuBois - "Movin' On Up" from The Jeffersons (1975)
Did I mention that the place I found is on the second story? Did I also mention that I was buying the beer if any of you help me lug my stuff up those stairs?
Elvis Costello "So Like Candy" from Mighty Like A Rose (1991)
I'm only including this one for the reference to getting back some albums (that she managed to ruin) from a lover who felt it necessary to say the following: "My darling dear, it's such a waste". The singer adds, "She didn't say `goodbye', but `I admire your taste'." I'm not saying that I'm living this particular line. But, as Woody Allen claimed in Annie Hall - and I'm paraphrasing - "All the books on Death & Western Thought are mine... and all the books on cats are yours."
that was rather quick.
good luck with the move.
cheers to you sir david!
(whatever that means)
just felt like saying it.
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